These cards are very interesting and anyone that receives one of these are sure to keep it and show others. This unique card is sure to be the talk of the town.
Mr. Hardwood is a flooring specialist and they provide installation of hardwood, carpet, tile and vinyl flooring. The also can sand and refinish you hardwood floors using their 99% dust free sanding method. Check them out at
Movable type
Movable type (US English; moveable type in British English) is the system and technology of printing and typography that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document (usually individual alphanumeric characters or punctuation marks) usually on the medium of paper.
Image from WikiMedia Commons
Woodblock Printing
Modern printing has roots that go back as far as the year 200 according to Wikipedia. The oldest technique is woodblock printing or block printing.
check out this article to learn more about block printing.
Here is a sample of a block print you may remember from your school days.
check out for more information on block printing. This process takes some time, however the end results will be worth the effort.
V180 Digital Press
Well we have gone and done it. We have added a digital press, this will allow us to provide better quality, smaller quantities and faster turn times on most projects.
Classic Impressions is located just south of down town Acworth on South Main Street. So if you happen to be up this way stop by and say Hello!